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(Please noted: My intention of writing this blog was to build a bridge that introduce the western music to the eastern world, so the main language used in the articles will be focused on Chinese. Also, please inform me if you would like to use the photos I took. Finally, leave a comment or email me at so I know you were here. Enjoy the music, Cheers!)

2012年8月11日 星期六

08.02.12 Meiko @ The Living Room

Mieko @ The Living Room (photo by MY)
上一回聽Meiko是三月初的時候,那時候紐約天的氣還微涼,sold out show表演的那天她端了一杯熱水台上。半年後再聽Meiko,八月的紐約天氣炎熱,這次她在台上喝的是冰啤酒,面對的依舊是滿場的觀眾。

Meiko的第二張專輯<The Bright Side>在五月的時候發行,專輯裡包含了她上一張<I'm in Love> EP裡的五首歌"Stuck on You"、"I'm in Love"、"Between the Sheets"、"Good Looking Loser"和"Real Real Sweet",原本在EP中都是acoustic的五首歌這回在專輯裡都有著完整樂團編制,聽起來更有生命力 (Between the Sheets改名叫成Leave the Lights on)。

拿到新專輯後我仔細了聽了一遍,比起首張專輯<Meiko>,我更喜歡<The Bright Side>。這張專輯更熱鬧、充滿著更多的色彩、以及音樂上有著更多的層次,專輯中有幾首歌背景混電子樂混得很棒。這張專輯講的故事是女孩的生活和感情上發生的事情。

Meiko @ The Living Room (photo by MY)
這次在The Living Room的表演,Meiko不是自己一個人,她和樂團一起表演(吉他兼鍵盤、貝斯、鼓),這是我第一次看到她與樂團一起演出,很不一樣的她,很棒。Meiko帶了樂團,而我帶了朋友來看她;我邀請了好友Iirs以及Yo-Pong與我一起欣賞她的表演。


整場表演的重心放在新專輯<The Bright Side>的歌曲上,舊專輯只唱了"Reason to Love You"、"Piano Song"、"Boys with Girlfriends"還有"Hawaii"。和上次一樣,舊專輯我最愛的"Reason to Love You"是表演的開場曲,我又在開場就被逼出了雞皮疙瘩。而新專輯我最喜歡的"Stuck On You"被放在當晚的第三首歌,這次聽到樂團編制,實在好喜歡。


表演結束前Mieko依照慣例開放給現場觀眾點歌,最後她選擇了"Hawaii"和"Real Real Sweet"來solo (我心底的吶喊是"Under My Bed")。聽完solo的感想與上次一樣,想要深深的被感動只要有Meiko和一把吉他就夠了。

每當Meiko表演一首歌之前,她都會分享這一首歌的創作過程以及寫它的原因,而她的創作大部分都與談過的感情有關係 (例如寫給前男友的"Good Looking Loser"和"When the Door Closed"),感情是她創作上很大的靈感來源。與Iris和Yo-Pong回家的路上我們三個開玩笑說談很糟糕的戀愛似乎是要寫出好歌的必要條件,哈哈。我好奇她的前男友聽到了她所寫的歌是什麼心情?

走出The Living Room已經是近半夜12鐘的事了,沿著Ludlow走出來,我看著這條街上的每一家live house以及酒館,心裡想著將要離開半年的我最想念的應該就是下東城這一塊了吧。這些充滿音符與才華的街道,是我大學很重要的回憶;很期待明年回來在這裡實習的時候。

與紐約說再見前的最後一場live house表演獻給Meiko,真好。


歌單(set list):

Reason to Love You
I'm in Love
Stuck on You
Leave the Lights on
When the Door Closed
Good Looking Loser
Piano Song
I'm Not Sorry
Boys with Girlfriends
Real Real Sweet

再聽一次"Stuck on You"
                                                    Meiko -  Stuck on You

新專輯歌曲"Leave the Lights on"
                                                  "Meiko - Leave the Lights on"  

Meiko 官網: (留下email可以免費下載 Leave the Lights on)。

今年三月在初次在The Living Room聽Meiko的心得在這裡。


Finally after five months, I got to see Meiko again.

In March when I saw her for the first time, it was a sold out show in The Living Room, there was just Meiko and her guitar on the stage, and she was talking about how excited she was for the soon-to-be-relesed second album <The Bright Side>. This time when I saw her, it was still in The Living Room with a huge crowd, but she brought a full band with her. And the most important of all, <The Bright Side> was out. I have listened to this album thoroughly prior to the show, and I absolutely loved it.

Most of the songs she performed that night were from <The Bright Side>. Besides "Stuck on You," I found my second favorite from the album, which was "I'm Not Sorry" (a song of her housewife fantasy haha). One thing about Meiko is that I not only like her music, but also like the stories behind each of her work; most of stories were derived from her personal experiences, and most of them were from past relationships. (She's had very interesting experiences.)

She also sang some tunes from her first album, including "Reasons to Love," "Hawaii," "Piano Song" and my favorite, "Boys with Girlfriends." Hearing first album's songs was like meeting up with some old friends, very exciting and very "awwwwing."  

The band was one of the reasons I enjoyed this show very much. With the help of the band (drum, bass, guitar, keyboard), they were able to bring out the multiple colors and layers of Meiko's music. Just like how they sounded in the album, they were beautiful.

She's still the same Meiko I saw five months ago, she still closed her eyes for the most part while performing, she still didn't use a pick when she played the guitar, and she still sang her heart out when she was on the stage. I received so much energy from her show.

Meiko ended the night at the Lower East Side with a solo acoustic sets of "Hawaii" and "Real Real Sweet." It was another great show. I am looking forward to seeing her again soon.

Dear Meiko,

Really had a blast at The Living Room. Keep up the work and good luck!


