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(Please noted: My intention of writing this blog was to build a bridge that introduce the western music to the eastern world, so the main language used in the articles will be focused on Chinese. Also, please inform me if you would like to use the photos I took. Finally, leave a comment or email me at so I know you were here. Enjoy the music, Cheers!)

2012年5月26日 星期六

我的15首夏天歌曲/My 15 Summer Songs

(photo by MY)

很熱、很悶,再加上最近每天的午後雷陣雨,紐約的夏天跟台北其實一模一樣 (可是沒有剉冰)。最難熬的七月和八月還沒到,我已經有點受不了 。


我的15首夏天歌曲 (My 15 Summer Songs):

1) The Libertines - Up The Bracket
2) The Beatles - Rock 'n' Roll Music
3) Gotye - Somebody I Used to Know
4) Maroon 5 - Payphone (feat. Wiz Khalifa)
5) Train - Drive By
6) The Shins - Simple Song
7) Coldplay - Paradise
8) Ingrid Michaelson - Everybody
9) Noah and the Whale - Life Goes On
10) Fun. - We Are Young
11) Florence and the Machine - Dog Days are Over
12) Oasis - Roll With It
13) The Weepies - Same Changes
14) Soundgarden - Live to Rise
15) Feist - Secret Heart


1) The Libertines - Up The Bracket

每年夏天我都有一定的時間要獻給The Libertines。即是樂團早就沒有了,他們在我心中重要的地位永遠不會變。我深愛"Up the Bracket"這首歌,意外地發現在悶熱的夏天聽更有感覺。

I always have a certain amount of time that is dedicated to The Libertines every summer. The band dies young but lives forever in my heart. I am deeply in love with "Up the Bracket," a song I find that is even better to hear in hot sunny days. 

2) The Beatles - Rock 'n' Roll Music

一年四季都有一首適合的The Beatles的歌。今年夏天讓我欲罷不能的是他們1976年發的Rock 'n' Roll Music合輯的同名歌曲"Rock 'n' Roll Music",啤酒、太陽,夏天不能沒有搖滾樂。

There is always a Beatles song for each season. The song that gets me addicted this summer is "Rock 'n' Roll Music"...awesome stuff. You can't fight back the hot sun in the summer without beer and rock 'n' roll music.

3) Gotye - Somebody I Used To Know

Gotye絕對是2012年最受矚目的歌手,滾石雜誌用"Alien Invasion" (外星人的侵略)來形容他。"Somebody I Used To Know"這首歌實在太特別(奇怪)了,一旦聽了就像是中毒般的會上癮,我從春天聽到夏天都還聽不膩。

Gotye is definitely the man of the year. "Alien Invasion," this is how Rolling Stone explains his sudden appearance (btw, he is from Australia). "Somebody I Used to Know" is such a special/weird song, you get hooked by it once you heard it. I have been listening to this song over and over since spring, and I still love it!

4) Maroon 5 - Payphone(feat. Wiz Khalifa)
Maroon 5 新專輯首波公佈的單曲,和目前非常受到歡迎的饒舌新秀Wiz Khalifa合作。與以往的Maroon 5完全不同的曲風,很有趣的一首歌。Adam的聲音依舊高的很驚人,越聽越好聽的一首歌。(聽說新專輯整張是走舞曲,拭目以待)

First single from the new album, first time working with the one and only Wiz Khalifa, first new Maroon 5 in 2012. The more you listen to this song, the more you love it. Adam is still an amazing vocal. Can't wait for the new album.

5) Train - Drive By

我認為今年最適合在夏天聽的歌曲。Train繼"Hey Soul Sister"之後又一首打入Billboard前幾名的作品,旋律和歌詞都很朗朗上口,節奏性很強,是一首邊聽會邊想擺動的歌曲。

The song that I think is the most "summer" for this summer. Another great hit by the Train after "Hey Soul Sister". With catchy tones and strong rhythms, this is a song that will make everybody move this summer.

6) The Shins - Simple Song

我的愛團The Shins睽違五年後的新專輯Port of Morrow的主打歌。雖然是一首簡單的歌,卻好聽到不行,這個夏天請不要錯過這首歌。

My favorite band's new work after a long wait, The Shins are back with "Port of Morrow," by far the best album of 2012. "Simple Song" is my favorite among the all. is just a simple song, but it is so damn good. Please don't miss it.

7) Coldplay - Paradise

Mylo Xyloto的第二波主打,Coldplay出輯總是不讓人失望,好一個氣勢磅礡的天堂。夏天不能沒有一首Coldplay。除了歌曲,我也很喜歡這支mv,很可愛。(好期待八月的演唱會!)

You must have at least one Coldplay song for the summer, and mine is Paradise, the great heavenly song from Mylo Xyloto. Check out this music video, really cute.

8) Ingrid Michaelson - Everybody


"Everybody" is the kind of song that will always give people good mood after hearing it, it feels like eating a huge scoop of ice cream in a sunny just can't resist it. 

9) Noah and the Whale - Life Goes On


A positive song which I have been listening to since last summer. Light rock, rocks my ears, it gives me courage. 

10) Fun. - We Are Young


Say nothing, just favorite song of 2012 (so far haha).

11) Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over

夏天來了,the dog days are over! Florence極具個人特色的出道曲,每次聽完心裡的不愉快都消失得無影無蹤。喔對了,有一個提醒,這支mv有點嚇人。

Hey summer, welcome back. The dog days are finally over! Florence's amazing debut single, a song that always blows away the clouds in my head.

12) Oasis - Roll with It


Summer is rock season! May Oasis be with you.

13) The Weepies - Same Changes


Another song that I have been addicted to since last summer. I need it as soon as I open my eyes in summer mornings. Beautiful.

14) Soundgarden - Live to Rise

它是今年最受歡迎的電影Avengers (復仇者聯盟) 的片尾曲,今年夏天最熱血的一首歌。 

From Avengers, a song for summer heroes. (I didn't leave the theater until this song was over after the movie haha.)

15) Feist - Secret Heart


Softly, tenderly, "Secret Heart" is a song for a summer evening. I love my goddess Feist.



1 則留言:

  1. 為了聽完這15首我都不曉得看這篇看了幾十次呵呵呵

