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(Please noted: My intention of writing this blog was to build a bridge that introduce the western music to the eastern world, so the main language used in the articles will be focused on Chinese. Also, please inform me if you would like to use the photos I took. Finally, leave a comment or email me at so I know you were here. Enjoy the music, Cheers!)

2012年3月15日 星期四

03.10.12 Meiko @ The Living Room



後來我去找了Meiko的歌來聽,的確,她和張懸的聲音是有點相似。兩個人的聲音都偏細、偏高 (Meiko的聲音可能比張老闆再高一些),還都有一些鼻音。她們唱歌的時候每一個咬字、每一個發音都唱得很清楚。兩人唱歌散發出來的感覺也很像,像是暖暖的微風一般,很溫柔。


我認為Meiko的音樂厲害的地方在於它們都很容易就被記住(very catchy),是屬於那種聽一遍就不會忘記,再聽幾遍就能朗朗上口的作品。而她的音樂簡單又貼近人心,通常大家聽過之後就會被吸引住。我想應該就是這樣,Meiko的歌曲很常被選為電視影集的配樂。幾部有名的美劇例如:實習醫生(Grey's Anatomy)、吸血鬼日記(The Vampire Diaries)、One Tree Hill...等都有用過她的歌。

她最有名的那首"Reasons To Love You"就是因為在實習醫生播出後而受到廣到的歡迎。(btw, 我一定要稱讚一下實習醫生這部影集的選歌功力,配樂部實在很會挑歌,影集裡用的每一首歌都非常好聽)

"Reasons To Love You" (這是我覺得收音最好的live版)



2月底知道了她3月初要來紐約表演的消息,而且地點還是在我最愛也最常光顧的The Living Room,我有什麼理由可以缺席?馬上訂了票。

她這次來紐約總共只有兩場表演,我去的是第二場 (好險我很早就訂好票了,因為兩場都是sold out show)。

(photo by MY)



Meiko @ The Living Room (photo by MY)

以往到The Living Room我都喜歡到前面的座位區坐著聽表演,但這場表演我選擇站在最後方的吧檯區站著聽她唱歌。The Living Room的表演場地很小,所以其實不管在哪一位置都聽得、看得很清楚。




"Reasons to Love You" (萬萬沒想到這竟然是她的開場曲!我還以為它會被留到最後再唱呢。現場版的Reasons to Love You真得好好聽喔!我都要融化了!)

"Under My Bed" (第一張專輯裡我第二名喜歡的歌,它排在Reasons to Love You之後)

 "Stuck on You" (這是一首可愛到不行的情歌。Meiko叫大家回去上youtube找MV看,MV的內容是她教大家如何製作"Meiko's famous turkey meat ball",哈哈哈哈。)

"Good Looking Loser" (寫給她某任男友的歌,她說那個男的是個長得很帥的爛貨XD)

"Piano Song"

"I'm in Love"
"Between the Sheets" 
"How Lucky We Are" 
"Boy with Girlfriends" (觀眾點播)


Meiko說她的新專輯"The Bright Side"五月要發行,裡面有幾首歌被remix得很有意思,我好期待!

(photo by MY)



表演結束已經過了12點,我第一次這麼晚走在Lower East Side的街道上。夜雖然已深,下東城區依舊很熱鬧,路上擦肩而過的都是準備要狂歡周末的紐約客們。他們的夜才正要開始,而我已經準備好帶著心滿意足的微笑結束這一天;好音樂讓我打從心底愛這個世界。



Meiko, beautiful voice, beautiful soul.


那就來分享一下這支MV內容和歌詞沒有什麼關係的"Stuck on You"吧,哈哈。

還有在聽完live之後我很喜歡的"Boys with Girlfriends":


I first heard of Meiko's name when I was in Alameda for Christmas tow years ago. Aiwen brought up Meiko's name when I played her Desert Chang's music. (Desert Chang is one of my favorite Taiwanese singer/songwriters.) Aiwen thought Meiko and Desert's voice sounded alike, so I went to check out Meiko's music. It's true that they do sound alike, both of them have higher tones, beautiful and highly recognizable. And I have become a fan of hers ever since I first heard of "Reason to Love You" on Youtube.

I booked the ticket as soon as I learned that Meiko's coming to New York. Moreover, she is playing at the Living Room, the music venue I visit the most often in New York; there is no way I'm gonna miss it. I'm glad I bought the ticket early, because her two shows were all sold out shows.

It was only Meiko and her guitar on the stage; nothing more, but enough. She conquered the whole room with just her voice and her guitar. Meiko opened the night with "Reason to Love You." She talked quietly, but she sang loudly, it's like she wanted to released all the energy in herself to the audience; she sang from her heart. I enjoyed her live very much, it was a great show.

Meiko said that her second studio album "The Bright Side" will come out in May, of course I cannot wait, and I cannot wait to see her again!