在期末考的前夕,我忙裡偷閒的跑去Radio City Music Hall聽Feist唱歌。
認識Feist從<Let It Die>那張專輯,"Gatekeeper"是我在紐約學吉他後利會的第一首歌 (當然現在已經廢掉了...)。我很喜歡"Gatekeeper"這首歌,她的歌詞像詩,旋律簡單但是很動人。
Feist - Gatekeeper
她從以前到現在的四張專輯我最喜歡的也就是<Let It Die>,真的是每一首歌都好聽。再推薦一首是"Secret Heart",也是專輯我很喜愛的歌曲。
Feist - Secret Heart
喔對了,若你有看過"500 Days of Summer"的話一定也會對這首歌有印象。
Feist - Mushaboom
Feist 雖然是加拿大人但是她在美國的知名度很高,因為她那首有名的"1234"被Apple選來當作I pod的廣告配樂。
從她去年底發了<Metals>這張專輯後,我就一直再等她來紐約巡迴。等了這麼久,終於來了!Feist在Radio City Music Hall的唯一一場表演是sold out show,因為我是窮學生只能買最頂層,但是完全不影響我整場演唱會的心情,畢竟是聽歌,而非看人。
我在Radio City Music Hall看過很多場表演,最近一次是看太陽馬戲團,不過這倒是我第一次在這裡聽演唱會,感覺像是更豪華的國父紀念館表演廳。
Radio City Music Hall (photo by MY) (看看多少人在玩手機) |
Feist @ Radio City Music Hall (photo by MY) |
演唱會的第一首歌,Feist獨自一人先上台表演"When I Was a Young Girl",接著第二首歌"A Commotion"之後她就帶出了她人數眾多的樂團。我算過,舞台上最多同時有25位樂手一起表演,很驚人!
Feist @ Radio City Music Hall (photo by MY) |
我想她喜歡熱鬧,她一直叫大家把前面空出來的坐位補滿,甚至還煽動觀眾上台跳舞,舞台頓時間變成了一個大舞池,演唱會不知不覺變成了一個大型的dance party。 (後來因為太瘋狂,保全人員都來了)
Feist @ Radio City Music Hall (photo by MY) |
燈光、顏色、影子和佈景,Fiest善用了 Radio City Music Hall的場地,演唱會很好看!
Feist @ Radio City Music Hall (photo by MY) |
Feist's Shadow @ Radio City Music Hall (photo by MY) |
I went to see Feist, my goddess.
I have been listening to her stuff since <Let It Die>, love every song from that album; especially "Gatekeeper," the very first song I learned to sing along with while playing the guitar (not anymore though...sadly). I really enjoy Feist's music, she is like a Genie to me, there are so many interesting elements in her music. Every song of hers has a little surprise in it.
Feist's New York show in Radio City Music Hall was a sold out show. She loved interacting with the audiences. She kept going down from stage to the crowd and inviting audiences up tot the stage to dance. The whole stage was full of dancing people at one point; Radio City Music Hall was turned into a big dance party all of a sudden. (Everyone had a good time except for the security people haha).
I always see her as a very talented singer/song writer, but I forget the fact that she is also a very great guitarist; she was her own guitarist throughout the night, and she was amazing...it was like the guitar was a part of her body.
Most of the songs she sang that night were from <The Reminder> and <Metals>. I didn't get the chance to hear "Gatekeeper", but I heard "Let It Die." There were two encores; the first encore set she sang include "The Limit to You Love," "Pine Moon," and "Let It Die." She loved the crowd in New York by singing "Intuition" for the second encore and we loved her back.
Wonderful night!