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(Please noted: My intention of writing this blog was to build a bridge that introduce the western music to the eastern world, so the main language used in the articles will be focused on Chinese. Also, please inform me if you would like to use the photos I took. Finally, leave a comment or email me at so I know you were here. Enjoy the music, Cheers!)

2012年6月10日 星期日

06.06.12 Naia Kete @ Mercury Lounge

Naia Kete  @ Mercury Loung (photo by MY)

Naia Kete,打從她在The Voice的初登場我就愛上她了。印象很深刻的表演,把Bruno Mars的"The Lazy Song"改成了雷鬼風,配合她獨一無二的聲音,實在唱得太好了。
    Naia Kete - The Lazy Song (Bruno Mars cover)

她一直是我在The Voice裡很支持的選手,每一周我都在注意她的表現。Naia的特色很鮮明,個性和音樂都是,長至腰際的辮子頭、總是帶著微笑的臉龐、溫柔卻又可以唱出撕裂音的嗓子,還有節奏強烈的雷鬼音樂。每一首歌Naia都可以唱出自己的味道,讓他們都變成屬於自己的歌。雖然她最終沒有成為節目的冠軍,我認為她一定是顆明日之星。

                                    Naia Kete - I'm Yours (Jason Mraz cover)

(順帶一提,The Voice是個很好看的音樂選秀節目,我是忠實觀眾。剛結束的第二季裡面有幾個參賽者我認為以後一定大有前途,很期待他們未來的表現。)



Naia Kete @ Mercury Lounge (photo by MY) (左起:節奏Imani Devi- Brown, Naia Kete, Bass手Lee Madeloni)



我想應該是平常都在街頭表演的關係,她的台風很穩,面對擠滿人的台下一點也不緊張。Naia巡迴帶的是自己的三人樂團 (節奏樂器上的是弟弟,Bass手是長得很像強尼戴普的男友),三個人的默契十足,整場表演都相當流暢。我對Naia的弟弟在用的那個很像音箱的樂器很感興趣,我知道他是打擊樂器(percussion)的一種,卻不知道它到底叫做什麼名字,它是個很費力、很需要功夫的樂器,他能這麼成熟的駕馭它,實在很厲害。


Naia Kete @ Mercury Lounge (photo by MY)

幾首我有印象的歌曲包括"Butterflies"、"Sweet Surprise"、"Happy"、"Beauty"、"Ain't Solved Nothing"、"Prisoner"和"Yo-yo Love"。


                                                          Naia Kete - Beauty

而我也很喜歡另一首叫做"Ain't Solved Nothing"的歌曲,是一首激昂的歌曲,寫的是戰爭,訊息是反戰。

Naia Kete @ Mercury Lounge (photo by MY)
這次的表演,她cover了一首最近很紅的歌,前奏 bass聲一下我就猜到是什麼歌了!是Gotye的"Somebody I Used to Know"!!!!Naia的版本很特別,我忍不住錄了下來。 

Naia Kete - Somebody I Used to Know (Gotye cover)
                                                                                      (Video by MY)



                                         Naia Kete - Wonderwall (Oasis cover)
                                                                                         (Video by MY)



Naia Kete @ Mercury Lounge (photo by MY)

Naia Kete @ Mercury Lounge (photo by MY)


Naia Kete @ Mercury Lounge (photo by MY)

Naia Kete @ Mercury Lounge (photo by MY)
演唱會結束後,我留下來和Naia說到了話 (還偷偷抱了她一下,哈哈),我喜歡她的音樂也很喜歡她的人,她是個非常平易近人的女孩,人非常好 (用英文形容的話就是very down to earth),她的人就跟她的聲音一樣溫暖。


Naia Kete @ Mercury Lounge (photo by MY)

Naia's Facebook: (包括歌曲試聽以及免費下載)


Naia Kete, a voice that I immediately felt in love with when I first heard of her from The Voice; she did a beautiful cover of "The Lazy Song." She was one of my favorite contestants throughout the whole competition. I cheered for her each week and I loved her more and more. Although she didn't become "The Voice" in the end, I knew she was born to be a star.

I was excited about Naia's show at the Mercury Lounge. After all, listening in live is not the same as listening from TV. My ears were ready to be blown away.

Naia toured with her band, a lovely trio. I had much fun watching the dynamics among the three when they were on the stage. Their performance had so much energy.

Naia has an unique voice, warm, tender but strong. She played a lot of her originals for the set, including  "Butterflies," "Sweet Surprise," "Happy," "Beauty," "Ain't Solved Nothing, ""Prisoner" and "Yo-yo Love." I enjoyed them all. Her music is direct and honest, and each of them has a message.

She did two covers that night; an amazing version of Gotye's "Somebody I Used to Know" and "Wonderwall," an Oasis classic that was dedicated to her Grandfather. I was very moved by her performance of singing "Wonderwall,"  for the first time, I had tears in my eyes when I listened to this song.

It was a beautiful night, full of beautiful songs and beautiful people.

Naia Kete, in my heart, she is the voice.


To Naia,

You are amazing! I really enjoyed the show at Mercury Lounge the other night. I love your music, your talent, your band and I love you. Keep doing what you love and keep making wonderful music, you will always have the biggest support from me. Hope to see you play again soon. Good luck to everything! :)


8 則留言:

  1. To Naia,
    This is my first time to listen live house, it's really special and great experience. Your voice is clean and comfortable, hope you can make the best music and realize your dreams. :)

  2. wonderwall讓我哭了!!她的聲音有好特別的感覺喔
    另外我覺得她地演奏的時候滿帥 哈哈

    1. 她的wonderwall真的唱得很好!很感動!

  3. Somebody I Used to Know感覺變得好不一樣!!

    1. 兩個版本的somebody都好聽!

  4. 話說他弟弟的樂器好酷:D

    1. 超酷,可是我不知道它叫做什麼。(你不覺得她男友長得真的很像強尼戴普嗎?XD)
